Our Silver Spring, MD Podiatrist can help you find pain relief with Custom-Molded Orthotics



Ankle/foot orthotics are devices that are inserted into the shoes to protect the foot from a wide range of foot problems. Orthotics are available as prefabricated over-the-counter and through a prescription for custom-made orthotics tailored to the individual. Although custom-made orthotics are generally more expensive, they may be more efficient in correcting certain foot and ankle ailments. Typically inserts can be made out of pieces of rubber, leather, plastic, or any other type of synthetic material.

Orthotic devices may be used to:

  • Support the foot or ankle

  • Align the foot or ankle

  • Correct/prevent foot deformities

  • Improve function of the lower extremity

Types of Ankle/Foot Orthotics:

  • Full contact orthotic

  • Heel insert

Orthotics have been known to reduce or even remove pain in conditions such as flat feet, Achilles tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, plantar fasciitis, bunions and heel pain. If you are experiencing foot pain, contact Blanken Foot And Ankle LLC, our Foot Doctor will decide if you are in need of custom molded foot orthotics as well as the type of orthotic will be right for your foot type.